
Uh…. We Might Have Started That Fire


Well there’s gotta talk about Ukraine and the plane. Taylor picks apart the events surrounding the Arab Spring and how America’s meddling could have been the catalyst to some of the major woes in the Middle East. Gunner also asks…


Darth Cheney

This week we test out whether or not the title matters. Listen to the boys chat about world cup, The Cobra Effect, politicians, legal shenanigans, and of course the corollary poop joke.

New Podcast: Political Puberty


Now that the boys figured out how to use their new equipment, sound quality is definitely better! Taylor talks about how the Clive Bundy story is all over, then tries to make sense of what Putin’s motives are. Gunner realizes…

Spy Guy Brief: Ukraine


Here are a few of my notes about the Ukraine, and why I think Russia is done invading nations for now. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are all proper members of NATO, EU and the Euro. That means direct engagement with…

The Political Playground – Putin vs Obama


A simplification of the political theatrics between our beloved Obama and the boisterous Vladamir. In today’s episode, they play a round of ‘diplomat poker.’ The boys are sitting across from each other, engaged in a serious conversation. [Obama] Hey, if you…