
We’re Back!


After a week off because Gunner got sick, the boys get back to it and discuss all of your favorite topics… ISIS, Cops bein’ dicks, college kids getting clever, and a bit about Taylor’s adventure at Embry Riddle.

Not Isis – Nazis


Bonus podcast! Taylor and Gunner couldn’t stop talking, so the fans get an extra podcast. No Middle East stuff though – Lets talk about Nazis!. A bit about cops, Elizabeth Warren, and Burger King.

Schweddy Balls Save The Day


First of all – Check out the Hashtag 42 Channel! Secondly…this week we spend some time on Executive Order 12333…said another way more NSA data collection shenanigans. Then a bit about a sunken Russian submarine early in Putin’s first presidency…


Darth Cheney

This week we test out whether or not the title matters. Listen to the boys chat about world cup, The Cobra Effect, politicians, legal shenanigans, and of course the corollary poop joke.

New Podcast: Political Puberty


Now that the boys figured out how to use their new equipment, sound quality is definitely better! Taylor talks about how the Clive Bundy story is all over, then tries to make sense of what Putin’s motives are. Gunner realizes…