
We’re Back!


After a week off because Gunner got sick, the boys get back to it and discuss all of your favorite topics… ISIS, Cops bein’ dicks, college kids getting clever, and a bit about Taylor’s adventure at Embry Riddle.

Holding Hands With The Enemy


This week, on the day of Ukrainian Independence, Taylor and Gunner discuss the old adage that ‘politics makes interesting bedfellows.’ It would appear that after so many years of discontent with Iran, they may become an ally. Also, an interesting…

Schweddy Balls Save The Day


First of all – Check out the Hashtag 42 Channel! Secondly…this week we spend some time on Executive Order 12333…said another way more NSA data collection shenanigans. Then a bit about a sunken Russian submarine early in Putin’s first presidency…

Uh…. We Might Have Started That Fire


Well there’s gotta talk about Ukraine and the plane. Taylor picks apart the events surrounding the Arab Spring and how America’s meddling could have been the catalyst to some of the major woes in the Middle East. Gunner also asks…

Making Our Own Messes


Taylor and Gunner sit down to talk about how the human race might be it’s own worst enemy. From Ebola to the mess is in the Middle East, its a good chat about how we made the bed we have…